Natural Stone vs Engineered Stone: Commonly asked questions.
If you’ve ever wondered, we’re going to break it down for you.
Let’s start with natural stone. What exactly is natural stone? Natural stones come from “pure” stones quarried from the earth. It is then cut into slabs, polished and can be fabricated for countertops and more.
And engineered or man made stones?
Engineered stones are manufactured from quartz crystals with a polymer resin binder that holds them together. Pigments are also added for “veining” and color to mimic natural stone.
So let’s compare them.
As confusing as it sounds, there really isn’t a right or wrong answer because both materials are strong. But when you get specific with things such as “staining or etching” for example, Quartz has an edge over natural stone. Being a non porous stone is what helps Quartz from the possibility of staining or etching.
Does Natural Stone really stain or etch?
It depends on the natural stone, and how you care for your natural stone, but all natural stones are “sealed” prior to our installation.
How often does your natural stone need to be resealed?
To know when it is time to re-seal your countertop is by performing a “water test”. This is done by pouring some water on your countertop, a few tablespoons is enough and leaving the water on for 20-30 mins. After that time if your countertop has darkened in that area and the water has absorbed, then it is time to re-seal your countertops. Resealing your natural stone countertops is fairly simple and the sealant can be purchased at most local hardware stores. Give us a call for more details if it’s time to reseal your tops.
Natural Stone has the upper hand on this subject. Because engineered stones are made with resin they can burn when heat elements are left on them for long periods of time or when items at a high temperature are left on the countertops. Using a trivet or wood cutting board will help prevent burning.
Another subject that doesn’t have a right or wrong answer. There are several things that factor into this. The size of your kitchen, the color/pattern you choose, the brand or supplier of the material, and the grade or group the material falls in. We will always go over all those items when you visit us for an estimate.
Which one looks better?
This is probably the easiest question. The answer is whatever YOU the customer likes. Whatever aesthetically works for your vision and whatever works for your family’s lifestyle.
Whichever one you are leaning towards or even if you aren’t sure, we are more than happy to help with the process. Give us a call for your free estimate.